Matthews India Active ETF

الربحية لمدة ستة أشهر: -15.9%
صناعة: Asia Pacific Equities

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وصف Matthews India Active ETF

Under normal circumstances, the fund seeks to achieve its investment objective by investing at least 80% of its net assets, which include borrowings for investment purposes, in the common stocks, preferred stocks and convertible securities, of any duration or credit quality, including those that are unrated, or would be below investment grade (referred to as "junk bonds") if rated, of companies located in India. The fund is non-diversified.

Country USA
Country ISO US
Валюта usd
Годовая доходность 19.19
Дата основания Sep 22. 2023
Индекс ACTIVE - No Index
Количество компаний 10
Комиссия 0.79
Полное наименование Matthews India Active ETF
Регион Emerging Asia Pacific
Сайт وصلة
Средний P/E 12.2
Тип актива Equity
تغير السعر يوميا: 0% (27.729)
تغير السعر في الأسبوع: +4.69% (26.486)
تغير السعر شهريا: +2.27% (27.113)
تغير السعر خلال 3 أشهر: -6.89% (29.7801)
تغير السعر على مدى ستة أشهر: -15.9% (32.97)
تغير الأسعار منذ بداية العام: -7.19% (29.876)

ادفع مقابل اشتراكك

تتوفر المزيد من الوظائف والبيانات لتحليل الشركة والمحفظة عن طريق الاشتراك

اسمصناعةيشارك, %P/BVP/SP/EEV/Ebitdaعائد الأرباح
Reliance Industries Limited Reliance Industries Limited Energy 5.60102 4.25 4.37 56.56 23.64 0.4637
HDFC Bank Limited HDFC Bank Limited Financials 4.91299 2.19 4.49 16.03 19.19 1.25
Infosys Infosys Technology 4.89795 6.89 3.94 23.07 17.19 2.88
ICICI Bank Limited ICICI Bank Limited Financials 4.73147 2.87 5.42 17.49 12.58 0.662
Shriram Finance Limited Financials 4.6663 0.3532 1.09 2.38 6.86 3.09
Neuland Laboratories Limited Neuland Laboratories Limited Healthcare 3.39645 6.39 5.26 27.3 17.27 0.1296
The Container Store Group The Container Store Group Consumer Discretionary 3.10303 0.0219 0.0041 5.18 -9.91 0
Alicon Castalloy Limited Alicon Castalloy Limited Industrials 2.7701 2.41 0.8573 21.78 8.33 0.8473
Bharti Airtel Limited Bharti Airtel Limited Communication Services 2.6692 6.83 4.81 96.57 13.58 0.2657
The Federal Bank Limited The Federal Bank Limited Financials 2.30364 1.13 2.92 9.04 7.47 1.13