Harbor Human Capital Factor Unconstrained ETF

الربحية لمدة ستة أشهر: -4.23%
صناعة: Large Cap Blend Equities

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وصف Harbor Human Capital Factor Unconstrained ETF

The fund employs an indexing investment approach designed to track the performance of the index. The fund invests at least 80% of its total assets in securities that are included in the index. The index is designed to deliver exposure to equity securities of U.S. companies that are "corporate culture leaders" based on scores produced by Irrational Capital.

10 летняя доходность 0
3 летняя доходность 0
5 летняя доходность 0
Assets class size Large-Cap
Country USA
Country ISO US
Focus Large Cap
ISIN US41151J6047
Issuer Harbor
P/BV 2.83
P/S 2.88
Region specific U.S.
Segment Equity: U.S. - Large Cap
Strategy ESG
Валюта usd
Годовая доходность 32.5
Дата основания 2022-02-23
Див доходность 1.41
Индекс Human Capital Factor Unconstrained Index - Benchmark TR Gross
Количество компаний 75
Комиссия 0.5
Полное наименование Harbor Human Capital Factor Unconstrained ETF
Регион North America
Сайт وصلة
Средний P/E 21.86
Тип актива Equity
تغير السعر يوميا: +0.000884% (22.6138)
تغير السعر في الأسبوع: -0.645% (22.7608)
تغير السعر شهريا: -6.6% (24.2131)
تغير السعر خلال 3 أشهر: -5.7% (23.9798)
تغير السعر على مدى ستة أشهر: -4.23% (23.6129)
تغير الأسعار منذ بداية العام: -6.39% (24.1564)

ادفع مقابل اشتراكك

تتوفر المزيد من الوظائف والبيانات لتحليل الشركة والمحفظة عن طريق الاشتراك

اسمصناعةيشارك, %P/BVP/SP/EEV/Ebitdaعائد الأرباح
Samsara inc Samsara inc Technology 1.55399 18.87 18.42 0 -73.53 0
Delta Air Lines Delta Air Lines Industrials 1.52294 2.57 0.6383 11.38 7.2 0.9574
Guidewire Software Guidewire Software Technology 1.50292 9.11 12.47 0 605.33 0
Ciena Corporation Ciena Corporation Technology 1.47916 3.32 2.33 111.43 24.71 0
PulteGroup PulteGroup Consumer Discretionary 1.46287 2.42 1.44 8.71 -18.76 0.6854
FactSet Research Systems FactSet Research Systems Financials 1.45381 8.28 7.19 29.5 20.45 0.9416
Deere & Company Deere & Company Industrials 1.45349 4.98 2.55 16.09 11.75 1.41
ServiceNow ServiceNow Technology 1.44156 18.8 20.22 155.85 111.64 0
MongoDB, Inc. MongoDB, Inc. Technology 1.43777 28 17.79 0 -248.17 0
Pinnacle Financial Partners, Inc. Pinnacle Financial Partners, Inc. Financials 1.43671 1.1 2.53 11.79 1066.52 0.8676