AdvisorShares Gerber Kawasaki ETF

الربحية لمدة ستة أشهر: -5.45%
صناعة: All Cap Equities

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وصف AdvisorShares Gerber Kawasaki ETF

The fund primarily invests in U.S. exchange traded equity securities, including common and preferred stock and ADRs. The fund may invest in companies of any capitalization but typically invests in companies with capitalizations of $1 billion or more. To a lesser extent, the fund may invest in ETFs, ETNs and other exchange-traded products (collectively with ETFs and ETNs, "ETPs") to seek to obtain exposure to industries or sectors the Sub-Advisor believes to be top thematic macro opportunities. The fund is non-diversified.

10 летняя доходность 0
3 летняя доходность -21.01
5 летняя доходность 0
Assets class size Multi-Cap
Country USA
Country ISO US
Focus Theme
ISIN US00768Y3707
Issuer AdvisorShares
P/BV 5.41
P/S 2.75
Region specific U.S.
Segment Equity: U.S. Broad Thematic
Strategy Active
Валюта usd
Годовая доходность 27.66
Дата основания 2021-07-01
Див доходность 0.8774
Индекс ACTIVE - No Index
Количество компаний 28
Комиссия 0.75
Полное наименование AdvisorShares Gerber Kawasaki ETF
Регион North America
Сайт وصلة
Средний P/E 23.95
Тип актива Equity
تغير السعر يوميا: +0.0015% (20.17)
تغير السعر في الأسبوع: -0.2902% (20.229)
تغير السعر شهريا: -9.56% (22.303)
تغير السعر خلال 3 أشهر: -9.14% (22.2)
تغير السعر على مدى ستة أشهر: -5.45% (21.332)
تغير الأسعار منذ بداية العام: -10.16% (22.452)

ادفع مقابل اشتراكك

تتوفر المزيد من الوظائف والبيانات لتحليل الشركة والمحفظة عن طريق الاشتراك

اسمصناعةيشارك, %P/BVP/SP/EEV/Ebitdaعائد الأرباح
Microsoft Corporation Microsoft Corporation Technology 7.83385 12.45 13.64 37.94 25.74 0.7503
NVIDIA NVIDIA Technology 7.32485 36.25 25.57 52.35 43.89 0.0236
Apple Apple Technology 6.60343 63.04 9.18 38.3 27.23 0.4676
Lennar Corporation Lennar Corporation Consumer Discretionary 6.56748 1.73 1.37 12.36 8.95 1.19
Novo Nordisk A/S Novo Nordisk A/S Healthcare 6.32834 29.34 13.46 37.37 27.8 1.37
MGM Resorts International MGM Resorts International Consumer Discretionary 6.19992 3.64 0.9846 13.93 18.55 0
Trane Technologies plc Trane Technologies plc Industrials 5.36148 7.97 3.16 24158.88 18.8 0.9474
Google Alphabet Google Alphabet Technology 5.28953 6.41 5.91 24.6 18.2 0.2047
Netflix Netflix Consumer Staples 5.03342 10.63 6.49 40.46 10.52 0
Walt Disney Walt Disney Consumer Discretionary 4.17794 1.67 1.93 35.42 15.63 0.7572
60.7117.318.172 445.1621.530.57