First Trust Value Line Dividend Index Fund

الربحية لمدة ستة أشهر: -2.38%
صناعة: Large Cap Blend Equities

The Hanover Insurance Group, Inc.
Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce
Sonoco Products Company
Norfolk Southern
Toyota Motor Corporation
Royal Bank of Canada
Analog Devices
Hubbell Incorporated
استراحة: 95%حصة حصة من قبل الشركة
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اسمصناعةيشارك, %P/BVP/SP/EEV/Ebitdaعائد الأرباح
The Hanover Insurance Group, Inc. The Hanover Insurance Group, Inc. Financials 0.51164 1.78 0.7327 124.4 2699.06 2.42
Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce Financials 0.51136 1.4 3.24 11.64 19.03 4.8
Sonoco Products Company Sonoco Products Company Consumer Discretionary 0.5056 2.28 0.8188 11.69 8.46 3.83
Norfolk Southern Norfolk Southern Industrials 0.50464 4.17 4.38 29.14 24.29 2.17
Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor Corporation Consumer Discretionary 0.50237 14.66 11.45 104.44 64.77 2.72
Royal Bank of Canada Royal Bank of Canada Financials 0.4985 1.92 4.24 15.03 21.83 3.47
Analog Devices Analog Devices Technology 0.4967 3.33 12.44 71.74 60.46 1.62
Raytheon Raytheon Industrials 0.4964 2.5 1.92 30.88 29.14 2.1
Infosys Infosys Technology 0.49562 6.89 3.94 23.07 17.19 2.88
Hubbell Incorporated Hubbell Incorporated Industrials 0.49542 6.09 3.28 23.17 18.83 1.25

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